Tuesday, April 17, 2007

23 years

I'm amazed at the passage of time. My mom sent me an e-card yesterday celebrating the fact that I became a big sister 23 years ago. 23 years. My brother is an amazing man. Weird for me to say man, but he is. He holds a fabulous job, has a fun car, has lived out of our parents house for many years, has good friends, makes good, sound, logical decisions, been on some amazing adventures, and has a great future. But 23 years? To me, turning 23 felt like a huge jump from 22. It sounded older. I'm not sure how, but it did. All that to say, I'm proud of you, Doug. Happy Birthday!

I spent Easter Sunday with my dear friends (and family away from family) the Oldroyds. I am so glad to spend holidays with this family. They make me laugh, include me in family time, we eat great food, drink wine and coffee. pretty much my favorite things. The Oldroyd's love puzzles. When I arrived they were working on what seemed like a pretty difficult one. And this puzzle kind of reflected how I feel about my life right now. There were so many pieces all seeming to fit together yet not actually fitting. Potentially a beautiful puzzle, but if you can't get it to fit that's all it is. pieces.
A good friend asked me the other day if I felt like God had a plan for our lives. I thought about it for a minute, answering "of course He does". The more I thought about it I wished that I'd said, "He'd better, cause I sure don't."