Saturday, April 21, 2007


I'm really glad that this week is over. I haven't really slept much, or at all really. But I believe that the torture of not sleeping is over. I went to bed last night a little after 11pm and woke up a little bit after 11 am. everyone is so excited about it there is dancing in the streets...

Busy weekend! I went to see my friend Anne's musical last night in Idaho springs. I forgot how incredible high school musicals are- and by incredible I often mean hilarious. It was fun and they did a fine job. Good job directing Anne! I work tonight and then I go and see the Decemberists tomorrow night! I'm so excited to see them and hang out with some work friends outside of work. and then next week? volunteer for earth day, try to get a job at a local winery, pair wine with cheese, and then GO TO CALIFORNIA! thank goodness for time away.