Friday, March 07, 2008

My Italian is slow in coming, but am enjoying it greatly. The weather has changed dramatically and it feels more like winter. Cool, windy and rainy. I forgot the cord to my camera so I can't post pictures today but the skies are grey.

Today I walked around the city with 2 new friends (an Irish girl and a Dutch guy) and we saw a lot of true florence. Meaning, we went way past the touristy spots and met up with the true florentines. We got lost (the best way to explore, right) and had a great time.

I went to the Palazzo Vecchio yesterday afternoon. What a beautiful palace. Hard to imagine living in a palace, especially one built like this one. So much history in one city, amazing.

We are meeting up in a couple of hours to eat, go to a bar and then maybe dancing... should be a great evening!