Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Mama Mias

Mama Mias
Originally uploaded by corypina.
just thought I'd remind everyone about The Whole Enchilada. I saw this photo on Cory's blog and couldn't help but post about it.

School is fantastic this quarter (well at least so far). It's going to be a lot of work and worth every bit of it. I'm taking Bakeshop, Beverage Identification (essentially translates into "sauced up Wednesday"-- especially because we only have 10 people and a budget for 30. i guess that means more wine for me, yess!) and Cost Control. I have 2 of the most difficult and wonderful teachers in the school split among these 3 classes. so worth it. I'm going to learn a TON.
I've already made:
spinach, bellpepper, jalapeno, cheddar cheese streudal
cream cheese and spinach filo dough streudal
key lime cheesecake
pecan pie
I'm going to gain at least a hundred pounds. But my chef swears within a week or so after we start we'll be so sick of sweets we won't want to eat any of it... so friends get ready to gain the weight for me. :)