Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Found it!

Strange things happen to me. and often.
Today I went to get my car serviced. I was patiently sitting at the desk while the paperwork was printing for me to sign. Then my purse tilts over and spills some contents onto the floor (not strange yet, I know). I reach down and pick up my mints, chapstick and a pen and stuff them back in my purse. I sign my life away to Saturn and notice that my phone is no longer in my purse. Weird. But I often leave it in the car or, God forbid, at home. So I walk back to my car and check it out. no phone. I'm not freaking out at this point. I ask if I can check under the desk to make sure that it isn't there. it isn't. I'm sure now that it must be at home. Although, I distinctly remembered putting it in my purse before I left because I almost always call my mom at the dealership, I don't know why I do but I do, and had planned to again. So I wait my 2 hours for a 30 minute job and enjoyed my book. no big deal, the phone is at home.
I get home and then can't find it. I frantically call the service desk before they close to ask again if they'd seen it or at least if they'd check under the desk again. They checked and didn't find it. I head out to my car to check one more time. not there. then I call my phone for several reasons: a) to see if I could hear it at my house b) check to see if there were any messages and c) to see if they might hear it.
not one minute later the dealer called. "uh, ma'am. we found your phone." you'll never guess where it was. It had fallen INTO the desk. yes, into the desk. somehow it managed to get into some crack or hole and was inside the desk paneling. They said it would take a few minutes to figure a way to get it out and then I could come get it.
WHAT? how does that even happen? Oh that's right we're talking about the person whose keys fall down an elevator shaft from the 4th floor and are hanging by the hand of God within reach on the bottom floor, or the girl who threw a hotdog at a retarded Asian boy or who manages to trip outside on the sidewalk and skin her knee and rip her pants at 23 years old, or falls and is not helped up by a lady ladies carrying at least 10 grocery bags or the girl who although in culinary school doesn't get cut by knives but vegetable peelers...

Needless to say I shouldn't have been surprised.