Tuesday, October 26, 2004

The cone shaped trees

So I'm sitting at my desk at work right now. I realize that it is not completely smart for me to be staring out my window let alone blogging during work hours. But today, not so different from other days, I can't seem to get down to work. So I stare out the window.
October is my favorite month (especially noticed in So. Cal). The sky actually clears and some days we actually have blue sky rather than brown. We've had 2 big storms in the past couple of weeks and are due for another one any minute. Have I told you I love the rain?
I have the corner office here at work which means I have the best view. I can see the foothills from here, they're only about 1/2 a mile from my office and they are green right now. Some people call them mountains but I know better.
Glendora, the city where I work, is nice. Predominately upper middle class, white Mormons live here and the downtown area (where I work) reflects the people that live here very well. Around this time of year the big tall bushy trees that line the street are essentially shaved and groomed to look like cones rather than their natural rounded shape. And this morning while the sprinkles of rain come and go they are putting the white twinkle lights up. And it will only be a few more days before they start the Christmas music on the street. NO seriously, they have speakers put up in the trees or in the trash cans or something that line the street and they play Christmas music. It's weird. ok nice but still weird. And who thought of trimming the trees to look like cones?
While not working here at work, I should probably clarify-- there is nothing to do-- I for the first time really went over board on this blog thing. I didn't realize how big these things are. There are a few blogs that I read on a normal basis. But today I read so many recent posts of who knows how many people. Thanks Juana for posting everyone's blog on yours. :) I still can't figure out how to do that or even really to get people to even know mine exists.
Cone shaped trees and staring at the foothills seem trivial when I read about the loss of Cory's sister's friend, Crystal. Pray for them.