Friday, July 29, 2005

What you've all been waiting for...

An Update. *and the crowd goes wild*

I've officially completed 5 weeks of living in Colorado. It's been quite an adventure. I just finished week 3 of my first quarter of Culinary school and I AM LOVING IT! We spent 2 weeks on vegetables and one on potatoes. Needless to say I don't plan on eating another potato for a long time. We made 5 potato dishes a day. Which, in my opinion, is way too many potatoes for one human. How cool is it that I get to go to school and play with food? I think it is pretty awesome.

I also quite recently got a job at Starbucks. I'm quite the little barista. I'm working about 25-30 hours a week and going to school for about 20. Which equals a busy girl with tired feet. But so far I'm really enjoying it. The people I work with are an odd combination of different types of people. You've all seen the combo of people in your local Starbucks... It's no different here. This store has a LOT of regulars, I really have no idea if every store has regulars but I feel like I see the same set of people every evening. I secretly have a crush on this super attractive Ukranian man that comes in every night at 8:00 and orders a dopio con panna and a venti ice water. Heidi wanted me to make sure and say that his name is Slobo. Yes, that is right Slobo. Of course I'm hardly serious about the crush thing, but he is quite the sight.

All in all, things are good. Hard for me to believe it's been 5 weeks; The time flies.