Thursday, February 09, 2006

mayday mayday

I have tragic news...
Tuesday, while trying to be a good girl, I was in my apartment complex workout room using my ipod that my wonderful brother gave me for Christmas. I was getting a good work out while using the stair stepper and something horrible happened. My ipod took a nose dive off of the machine and onto the ground. I, of course, freaked out and frantically jumped off the machine to rescue it. As I picked it up my heart stopped. I could no longer see anything on my screen except a black streaking line across it. Yes, it's true, my LCD screen is broken.
I immediately left the work out area (good thing I was done) and went to my apartment to mourn er see if i could give it cpr or something. To no avail. I scoured the internet for a solution and nothing worked. I hoped the apple warranty would be there to come to my rescue. But there is a gigantic note basically telling me that if you're stupid enough to drop your ipod we're not going to take care of you.
I called Jordan, my only apple connected friend, and he hasn't called me back. Jordan if you're reading or if you talk to jordo tell him I need him. My ipod needs him.
Lucky for me it still plays music i just have to blindly search for what I want to listen to. It's not easy, I'll tell you that. I managed to get it on random and that will work for now. It's really to bad that they're not easier to repair.

I really should've told Doug that I wasn't responsible enough to have such a lovely piece of equipment. :( I hate being clumsy...