Thursday, March 17, 2005

The un-joy of Insurance

Yes, that's right, the un-joy.
I am pretty sure that insurance is that necessary evil that no one understands or really likes paying for but has to anyway. Because people don't understand what they're paying for (the explanation would have to be another post all in itself)they get very upset about things.
I had a man call earlier to ask what his rental car coverage was. I told him and said that he was covered for up to 20 bucks a day for up to 30 days. He said thank you and was about to hang up and I heard him take a breath like he was going to ask a question... I let him say what I already knew he was going to ask: "if I rent a car that is over $20 per day what happens?" I told him that he was responsible for paying the remainder. Then he realized the un-joy of insurance. You only get what you pay for. He said to me that one can't rent anything for less than 20 dollars. I agreed and he hung up.
It's a risk. By that I mean, these coverages that you purchase or don't purchase... you have to spend more money up front for a coverage that you may never us but boy you are glad you've got it when you have a problem This is the crappy thing about insurance. Hence the un-joy of working in such a field. No one is ever happy.