Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Early Retirement

Well, my career as a insurance salesman has officially come to it's close. Yes, that is right I retired at a ripe old age of 23. What a life, eh?

I also had my first ever surprise party last night in honor of my going away. And I was VERY surprised. I have to give a shout out to the party planners. And thanks to all of you that knew about it and said nothing! It was awesome. I have the best friends a person could ask for! I Love You Guys.

Thursday, May 19, 2005

I know I know

It's been many days since my last post. I'm pretty sure the lack of inspiration has been caused by the amount of stress increasing in my life.
Today's current mood? Super excited about the future yet can't seem to stop crying about what will soon become the past.

Monday, May 09, 2005

The Whole Enchilada

The Whole Enchilada , Oh how I love this restaurant. for several reasons actually:
1) the best chips and salsa around
2) excellent service. the wait staff is so friendly
3) Mama Mias, need I say anymore??
4) they still give me the Apu discount even though I haven't attended school there in 2 full years.

I'll miss it terribly.

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Today's wish?

"webmail?" you may be asking. Let me explain. I currently (well at least for the next 16 business days) work at an Allstate Insurance Agency. It is here that I spend 8 hours of my day sitting and hoping to have enough work to make it through the day. 9 days out of 10 I have approx. 3 hours of actual work to do. (even if I ask the boss for more to do). So I must be creative in how my hours are spent. Most days I organize and reorganize my desk, stare out the window, talk to the other ladies in the office, peruse blogs, browse , search for single apartments, learn random facts through google, etc. But today of all days I wish that I could check my email. I've been too busy and let's face it Verizon's been too slow for me to sit down and spend enough time responding to all of the emails that I've been receiving. I can't check my email here on the office internet, nor can I do many lovely things on myspace because "webmail" in any sense of the word is blocked. C'mon Allstate, cut me some slack. I work hard, I do my best, I get all my work done; Enable me to check my email.