Monday, February 25, 2008

fast forward

alright who hit the fast forward button on my life without me knowing?

Well, I leave the day after tomorrow. holy crap, the day after tomorrow.
Just cleaned the bathroom and scrubbed the kitchen, purchased the last remaining items I think I'll need (lets hope), now I need to do at least a thousand loads of laundry make about 10 phone calls and get on the freaking plane!

Thursday, February 14, 2008

2 weeks

yeah that's right. In 2 weeks I will be on a plane flying to Italy- well technically Switzerland and then I'll take a train into Italy.
#1 on my to-do list is to practice packing. I have to figure out what to take how much am I willing to carry on my back for a month and how much space do I intend to leave to take things home. I've already resigned to the fact that I'll send wine home. No way I'm going to carry wine around with me (except a few bottles to drink...) to take home- that stuff is heavy.

There is still stuff to do before I go. But it doesn't seem like it'll be too crazy. We'll see how much sleep I'll lose over the next two weeks before it all gets done. my mom reminded me that as long as I have my camera, some clean underwear, and a way to get some money I should be alright. Any world travelers out there have any suggestions on what kind of clothes I should bring? I don't plan on bringing much- i'd love to buy things to wear there. I mean geeze I'll be in Florence!!

Thursday, February 07, 2008

the countdown

We're at 21 days and counting until I leave for Italy.

I was laying in bed last night (after seeing Atonement-great great film) and realizing my to-do list is getting no shorter while the days until I leave is quickly scooting past me.
Having never been Europe, let alone for 2 months, I'm having difficulty knowing what I should be doing let alone planning for. So, I'm giving in to the fact that there will be some terribly stressful and scary moments for me in this trip. But that's part of the experience for me. I'm learning to not be so uptight and not so concerned about the unknown. I feel like I'm making extreme progress. but the true test will be 21 days from now as I'm flying into the unknown. :)