Wednesday, August 31, 2005

I am so smooth

Sometimes I am amazed at how ridiculous I am. Over the past week 3 silly things have happened to me, that really, if I'm being honest could only happen to me.

1) last Tuesday I was walking down my sidewalk to my apartment with my hands full of stuff. and I do mean full. I have been noticing that my bad eye has seemed exceptionally bad and thought I would be smart (I should know better) and try to strengthen it by closing my good eye while I walk to my apartment. Well, not 5 or 6 steps later I misjudge where I am on the sidewalk and fall down and scrape my knee. I haven't fallen and scraped my knee since I was probably 8 years old. I not only scraped my knee but I ripped a whole in my chef pants and spilled my sour cream into a little pile. I know it's so sad.
2) A few days later I was working at Starbucks and it was early evening and we were really caught up on our nightly cleaning. We had our steamed milk containers on a piece of cardboard to keep from getting our clean counter dirty again. I was about to make a latte or something and attempted to pull the nonfat milk steamer off the cardboard and it stuck just enough that the soy and whole milk both spilled down my leg. Luckily they weren't too hot or I could have seriously scalded my leg. But for the rest of the night I had to deal with sticky, smelly, milk covered pants.
3) last but certainly not least I was at school this last Monday and reached into my tool bag to pull out my peeler and instead of it sliding out of it's pocket smoothly and easily I had to tug a little bit. And as I tugged my finger slipped and was sliced by my slicer. Class hadn't even started yet and I was already bleeding profusely. Geeze...

Monday, August 29, 2005

Nertz Fanatics

Nertz Fanatics
Originally uploaded by dtillion.
I love these people!
We played Nertz every Monday together, how I miss them!

Friday, August 26, 2005

Day off

Today is my first full day off in a couple of weeks. It's a nice feeling to know that if I wanted to I could be in my pj's all day. I probably won't but it's nice to know that I can.
The other day I was talking to Julie and she asked me how I was feeling about living here in Colorado. I told her that I don't really know. I'm so busy most of the time that I don't get to figure out what living here is actually like. Now here's the confusing part of my selfish mentality, I have this day off where I have absolutely nothing to do (except have dinner with my dear friends Anne, Capp, and Scott Allen) and all I want to do is stay at home and rest. Bummer.

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Sleep deprived and loving it

Holy cow, I am nearing the end of my first quarter of Culinary School. I totally Aced all of my midterms and got the best compliments from my chef today in class. Needless to say school is going really well. I love what I'm doing.

this week we're doing breakfast! My favorite.
Day 1: poached eggs, fried eggs, scrambled eggs, omelettes, and pancakes
Day 2: Eggs Benedict (my favorite), Waffles, hashbrowns
Day 3: BREAKFAST BUFFET for the whole culinary school. Supposedly this day is the most looked forward to by all culinary students within the building. Maybe because we'll be making enough food for an army! This menu is awesome: Biscuits and sausage gravy, hash browns, eggs benedict, bacon, french toast, cinnamon rolls, smoothies, corned beef hash, Apple cider syrup (for french toast, build your own omelette with ranchero sauce if you want it, made to order eggs and Lyonnnaise potatoes (essentially hash browns with onions)
It's going to be awesome.

Starbucks is good. so glad that I get free coffee, it helps enable me to make it through the sleepiness caused by being enormously busy. I was reminded today that when I'm done with school I'll look back and wonder how I was able to do it... I'm sure that is more true than I realize.

I've been overwhelmed by how blessed I am.

Monday, August 15, 2005

Tales from the crypt

this week we're making soups and reviewing a few sauces. yumm.
Day one: potato, leek and cheese; split pea; mulligatawny; cream of broccoli
Day two: clam chowder; roasted corn chowder; shrimp bisque; gazpacho; yukon gold vichyssoise with creme fraiche
Day three: review of consomme, hollandaise, beurre blanc.

the girls at my table are awesome. Although we are NOTHING like each other we seem to work well together to get these recipes prepared. I still can't get over the fact that I'm in culinary school. I get a little bit freaked out about how I plan on using this incredible skill that I'm learning. But I trust that it will work out. Working nights, weekends and holidays is not my idea of a great deal... we'll see.

I've managed to make it through the first round of midterms and aced all 3. Man, studying for these tests is nothing like studying for things in undergrad... I actually want to know the information. I think, though, that it helps that I don't have an extreme social life (like in college)and use my time a lot more wisely. But still.

Starbucks is as crazy as ever. thanks for all the great comments about Slobo. sorry no picture will be available, Haas. But I am working on posting a picture of me in my uniform so all can get a good giggle. ;)

Thursday, August 04, 2005

Christian Singles Today

Current Feature Article - Christian Singles Today: The Bouquet toss

Heidi and Jeannette, thank you for forwarding this article to me. A great read. I laughed outloud as I read it.

Finally someone has voiced my ever growing dislike of the bouquet toss at weddings. Remind me when I'm getting married never to do this.