Friday, July 28, 2006

you order chinese food, you come pick it up!

Well, I've definitely felt the push to blog more often. Unfortunately folks, I'M REALLY BUSY. So, in the last blog I mentioned that I was starting a new job at a Cafe, well those people are STUPID and it never worked out. I trained for 4 days like a month ago and then they kept putting off my "start date" until she finally called and told me that they didn't need me. Now I have to get some courage to confront them on paying me for those training days (its at least 24 hours worth)... blast! But the great news is that I already got another job, thanks to some excellent connections (thank you Anne Capp), at Wild Oats Market. For those of you Californians that have never heard of this place, it is very Trader Joe's-esc but HUGE. (there actually is one in Pasadena and 2 in Santa Monica)
I'm going to be working directly with the Food Services Manager learning purchasing, ordering, inventory control, training, scheduling, etc etc. They've essentially created a job for this internship of mine. I hope to be there 18-24 hours a week at S-Buck's 24 hours a week and in school approx 22 hours a week and then study/homework time. Yes, I know how many hours that is... hence the busy-bee mentality. despite being busy I'm really pleased with how things are turning out. and yes, I do get to sleep. :)
I'm continually battling with my car- it's been broken into twice in the last couple of months, overheated, gradually losing all capabilities of cooling me down with the A/C, replaced pressure cap on the coolant thingy, urged to replace other things and said "NO FREAKING WAY". poor saturn.
I love my ipod, blockbuster online is awesome, my garden is flourishing, its cool in the basement I live in, my house-mate is nicer than expected, I'm cooking some amazing food at school, i've lost a some pounds *despite the great food*, i drink far too much coffee (and proud of it) and last but not least i got a lovely message from a chinese food place reminding me to pick up my cheesy wantons. HA!

Sunday, July 09, 2006

so much to post

Since the last time I posted there has been so much to talk about. So I'll spare the details and make a list.
Since I last posted:
1) I finished my 4th quarter of school (2 to go)
2) I got a contact (no more glasses)
3) I started vision therapy
4) thought I was going to have to have back surgery- thank God I don't
5) saw my younger brother graduate
6) fell in love with a bed and breakfast in Pacific Grove, CA and hope to someday work with the people that own it
7) received a promotion from starbucks-- 1.60 increase in pay, yessssssss!
8)moved into a tiny basement apartment and like it (I'm saving tons)
9) started a 2nd job baking at a cafe in N.W. Downtown
10) my wonderful mom came and helped me move
11) learned how to watch movies (that are on my ipod) on my TV for far less than apple would like to know
12) watched fabulous fireworks with dear friends in Boulder
13) stayed up way too late at Pirates of the Caribbean and then had to work at 4:30 am the next day
14) enjoyed being young for the first time in a while (see 13)
15) it's rained here every day for at least 5 days... It's so green and beautiful here right now
16) had a professional massage and facial on Friday and LOVED it!
17) drove through the tiny foothill town of Golden, CO and remembered why I moved to this state- gorgeous.

and tomorrow I start school again. Only 22 more weeks of class! Can you tell that I'm anxious to be done with school and live a more normal life?? Well, normal being a relative term. :)