Tuesday, January 30, 2007

the struggle of choice

Life is a series of choices. Some are small and often insignificant. what am I going to wear today? curly hair or straightened? tall or grande? Some aren't.
I hunger for truth, for direction, for purpose and meaning. The answers are slow to come.

"You still the hunger of those who you cherish; their sons have plenty, and they store up wealth for their children. And I-- in righteousnesss I will see your face; when I awake, I will be satifisfied with seeing your likeness." Psalm 17: 14b-15

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Yeah Saturn!

Today is supposed to be a balmy 35 degrees. Never in a million years would I have been expected to be pleased to see a high of 35 degrees, but I guess when it has been below 20 for the past week and well below zero in the nights 35 sounds pretty darn good. :)

I've been home in Denver for a little over a week after a glorious 17 days in California with my family and friends. A lot has happened since I last posted. Let's start with the biggies, shall we?
1. I graduated from Culinary school
2. I bought a beautiful new car. 2007 Saturn Aura.
3. Started working only one job and having no school or homework
4. Had more snow than I've ever seen in an incredibly short period of time
5. Left for california after a blizzard and walked over people sleeping in the airport because their planes didn't leave. I felt incredibly bad, but not bad enough to give up my seat to them... geeze.
6. my car looked like a giant snow man while I was gone.
7. had a GREAT time in Cali.
8. Came back home to denver to an arctic blast of cold.
9. Been working only one job and have never felt as if I've ever had this much free time.

What happens next? that is the question everyone has been asking me. The answer is that I have NO IDEA. First and foremost I need to figure out what the heck I want with my life and then go after it. Easier said than done, right? I love starbucks but is it what I want with my life? most of me says no but on other days i can't imagine giving it up. maybe open a cafe someday, who better to learn the coffee business from than the big boys...
anyway, I have a lot to figure out and a lot of time to figure it out, thankfully.

The new year brings lots of change for this one. Hopefully it does for you as well.