Thursday, January 27, 2005

Giant Steps (The music)

I took some time and listened to the CD to which my blog is named for. (Giant Steps by John Coltrane) Now that man can play jazz. wooh. I just sat in my living room with the lights off (although it was stll fairly light in there) and soaked it in. You ever do that? It's amazing to me how differently the music sounds with the lights off and no one is around.
It actually made me miss playing my own saxophone for the first time in, I don't know, at least a year.

As I read Travis's blog (If I knew how to do that cool trick where you type my name and it was a link to my blog I'd do it, but I can't. ok well I learned and fixed my blog. Thank you Ben) about turning 25, I realized that I have started to notice things changing in my own life, too. Strange how that happens. You let the days of your life go by and change happens, most of the time, so gradually that you don't even really notice it happening. I noticed that too about Coltrane's CD. The same theme runs through out the entire set yet changes just enough that by the last song you know it's not quite the same, but can't remember exactly what it sounded like in the first track.
Nicely done Coltrane. Nicely done.

Monday, January 17, 2005

Fatal mistype

Well, as I was perusing the blog world this morning I made a major mistype when making a comment on Tony's blog. I tried to type my homepage in there and accidentally misspelled blogspot. Easily done right? Well, I later learned when typed incorrectly it has a potential to send you straight to a porn sight. How incredibly embarrassing!! So to all of you commenters out there please be careful when spelling blogspot.

On to other news: I'm in need of a job. Well, at least a new job. Let me know if you know of anything around this area of So. Cal.

Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Raining So. Cal

Well, today was our first mostly dry day in about 2 weeks. I'm surprised people weren't dancing in the streets. I've never seen so much water on the streets. I imagine that most of the problem has been that LA drainage sucks. Let's just face it Southern California freaks out about rain. I will tell you that the foothills outside my office look incredible today! I wish I had my camera to show that this area does have a potential for it to be beautiful. Maybe tomorrow.

I feel like it's taken me a significant amount of time to get back into the swing of a normal feeling schedule after my time during the holidays and the Pina wedding. But I've settled back into the apt, caught up with a few friends, but it still feels a little wrong. Not sure what it is yet.

back to staring at the mtns for a while.

Tuesday, January 04, 2005

Bridal Party

Bridal Party
Originally uploaded by dtillion.
Another great shot. Yeah, that's me on the right side. :)

Pina Wedding

Pina Wedding
Originally uploaded by dtillion.
I think this may be one of the first Pina Wedding photos to be posted. This hopefully will be the first of many to come.
I'm so happy for you guys. love you!

Monday, January 03, 2005

Ah, the week

Well, I haven't blogged in for a while. That's because I have been at parent's house for the past 10 days and I have been apart of a wedding for some of my best friends. All I can say is: beautiful.