Monday, April 23, 2007

the Decemberists

Great show. great, great show. If you haven't heard their music before you should check it out.

Saturday, April 21, 2007


I'm really glad that this week is over. I haven't really slept much, or at all really. But I believe that the torture of not sleeping is over. I went to bed last night a little after 11pm and woke up a little bit after 11 am. everyone is so excited about it there is dancing in the streets...

Busy weekend! I went to see my friend Anne's musical last night in Idaho springs. I forgot how incredible high school musicals are- and by incredible I often mean hilarious. It was fun and they did a fine job. Good job directing Anne! I work tonight and then I go and see the Decemberists tomorrow night! I'm so excited to see them and hang out with some work friends outside of work. and then next week? volunteer for earth day, try to get a job at a local winery, pair wine with cheese, and then GO TO CALIFORNIA! thank goodness for time away.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

23 years

I'm amazed at the passage of time. My mom sent me an e-card yesterday celebrating the fact that I became a big sister 23 years ago. 23 years. My brother is an amazing man. Weird for me to say man, but he is. He holds a fabulous job, has a fun car, has lived out of our parents house for many years, has good friends, makes good, sound, logical decisions, been on some amazing adventures, and has a great future. But 23 years? To me, turning 23 felt like a huge jump from 22. It sounded older. I'm not sure how, but it did. All that to say, I'm proud of you, Doug. Happy Birthday!

I spent Easter Sunday with my dear friends (and family away from family) the Oldroyds. I am so glad to spend holidays with this family. They make me laugh, include me in family time, we eat great food, drink wine and coffee. pretty much my favorite things. The Oldroyd's love puzzles. When I arrived they were working on what seemed like a pretty difficult one. And this puzzle kind of reflected how I feel about my life right now. There were so many pieces all seeming to fit together yet not actually fitting. Potentially a beautiful puzzle, but if you can't get it to fit that's all it is. pieces.
A good friend asked me the other day if I felt like God had a plan for our lives. I thought about it for a minute, answering "of course He does". The more I thought about it I wished that I'd said, "He'd better, cause I sure don't."

Sunday, April 15, 2007

my friend and mentor

After 35 years of working at APU, Al Clifft will be leaving to teach at Cal Baptist. He touched so many lives during his time in Azusa, and was such a central part of college for so many of us. Join with me in thanking Al for all he did for us by reposting this blog and sending it to all your friends who know Al.

Before this school year is over, take a minute to send Al a thank you note in the mail. Thank him for whatever it was that he did for you and wish him well as he starts a new challenge! Wouldn't it be great if one of his last memories of APU was receiving hundreds of thank you notes from his former students?

You can send the notes here:
Azusa Pacific University
School of Music - Al Clifft
901 East Alosta Ave
Azusa, CA 91702

Monday, April 09, 2007

love & hate

I have a love/hate relationship with my tile floors. I love them because they look great, easy to clean, and overall fairly indestructible. I hate them because they also are very destructible to my belongings. I dropped one of my baking stones and it shattered. At least 15 pieces. dang it.

Saturday, April 07, 2007


I have a new addiction. Pop-Secret's Home style popcorn. I can't get enough.
It actually tastes home made... nothing like the Cathey recipe that I secretly looked forward to every Sunday/Wednesday during the good years of Alias ( heck even the bad years) and our Lost evenings.
Still praying for you Rod! the news is getting more encouraging as time passes.

I dyed Easter eggs with the Capp's tonight. I haven't done that in years. We had a good time and of course I ended up with blue, green, yellow and orange finger tips. classic.
Jen comes to visit on Tuesday! yessssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss
Happy Easter everyone. He is RISEN!

Thursday, April 05, 2007

How does this even happen?

My dear friend's dad had a massive seizure the other night that was caused by a brain tumor. Join me in praying for him and his family.