Thursday, June 26, 2008


Doug (my younger big brother) and I haven't taken a picture of just the two of us in years... I liked how this one turned out. Although it was our second try, the first time I was zoomed in and ended up just getting one of each of our eyes and mostly 2 sets of shoulders behind us. maybe I'll psot that one, too. kinda funny, eh? anyway...
I can't believe it but, I've lived in Denver for 3 years almost exactly to the day, I've been home from Italy almost as long as I was gone, and I, despite some kicking and screaming, am approaching 3 years with Starbucks. yikes.
I have been thinking a lot about my trip to Italy over the last few days. I didn't really talk about it much right after my return, maybe I didn't know how to really talk about something so fresh or so crucial to some internal changing but I now have shared more in the last week than the 2 months previous. I was talking to Aaron Espe about the trip tonight and I was reminded about how quickly dreams and plans change. I've done (and am still doing) some crazy things over the last 5 years. I played saxophone with Claire in Bologna and really really enjoyed it. Just over 5 years ago I graduated from college with a music degree and now I don't play or sing any more. (well, I sing all the time just not for people) Aaron asked if playing in Bologna sparked any memories that made me say "oh yeah, this is what I do, I play music." I don't know, I certainly haven't taken the horn out of the closet since my return, so I guess not really. But its funny how certain I felt all those years ago about music, and then food, then wine- "certainty", I'm pretty sure that word doesn't exist in my everyday life... just ask my mom how many ideas I have- every week I have a new plan for my life.
It feels good to look back and see how all of those pieces of me still coexist quite nicely in this strange strange life of mine.
I've basically decided that I am far from hip enough to work on larimer square.

ooohh funny story. So I work at the downtown tasting room on average of once a week (at least so far) and both thursdays I've worked I parked in a lot that is $7 to park until 6pm, and both times I walked to my car at approximately 6:18 pm only to find that the ticket man is literally 3 cars away from writing me a ticket. I swear that the next time I'm there he'll recognize my car and think "dang it, that girl runs to her car and drives away before I can get her license plate to give her a ticket. I'm going to go directly to her car at 6:01 pm and slam a ticket on her dash. yeah, take that." well, mr. ticket man just try it. you just try it.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

and I feel fine

Life has been full. Wine festival season is upon us. That means that during the month of June we have major events every weekend. phew. 2 down 2 to go. AND we've opened a tasting room downtown at Larimer square. Its hard to believe that I work downtown sometimes... I always thought that I was not even close to hip enough to ever work downtown-let alone Larimer square. But I'm there pouring wine and selling as much as humanly possible. Its been fun- and kind of nice to have a new set of faces to pour for (and with).
Things have been, although busy, very good. I'm getting a little sun, riding my bike at every possible chance I can get, looking for a house, loving my realtor, and I just bought a pass to Elitch Gardens. I cant' wait to ride some rides and hang out in the water park a lot this summer.
I've lately been reminded that I am a few years older than some of my good good friends here in Denver. yet although I'm creeping toward the age of 27, I don't feel it. despite the house hunting I feel anti-grown up: could be the company, could be the change of some mentality since my return from Italy, or because I just bought a theme park season pass... HA!
All in all?
I love the summer, I love Denver and I'm feeling good.

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

the hunt continues

So Victoria, my realtor, and I went to see 10 houses this evening. oh geeze, there is nothing worth even looking at again. but that's ok.