Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Folk music. That's what is streaming through my veins these days. I can't seem to get enough. I think its the stories, the easy to understand music yet more passion than I can explain, and how the words stay in my head for days.

I bought a Christmas tree for the first time. It was 5 dollars.
best part? it came with 2 strings of lights. but they didn't work.
I bought it with Doug at a yard sale a couple of weeks ago. I think it has a grand total of 12 ornaments on it and 30 feet of lights. The first time Doug and I strung it with lights and turned them on we nearly fell on the ground laughing. It looked like we'd hog tied it with lights there were so many on there. Needless to say it is a very bright 3 foot tall tree.

Friday, November 02, 2007

1st Friday of November

I love my job. The winery has been such a great place for me to be. I work quite a bit. Lets just be honest I am a work-a-holic. I can't seem to help it. I think it is in my genes. But I can't imagine a better place to spend my time. I get to talk wine, make wine, drink wine, hang out with wine people... can you imagine a better life?
Tonight was 1st Friday. My favorite of the ones so far. Maybe because I liked the artist. Spencer Tomberg is a good guy, nice family, adorable baby, and genuinely interested in what we do. But more than that I left work tonight thinking that the past 3.5 hours didn't really feel like work.

awesome, eh?