Thursday, April 28, 2005

The Wonder of Rain

First of all I woke up this morning wondering why I had been so stupid to set my alarm on a Saturday. Too bad it's actually only Thursday. Despite that little mishap, I smiled because I heard the sound of rain drops outside my window. I sleep with my window open 9 days out of 10, I especially love it when it rains outside. There is something wonderful about rain sounds.

As I drive the 20 minutes to work the sun starts to poke through the clouds and then my favorite thing happens: The mountains (approx 1/2 mile from my window at work) are surrounded by dark and misty clouds with the sun shining on them. It is beautiful. One of the few moments in Glendora that I actually think that this area is pretty.

I give my notice at work tomorrow. Should be interesting...

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

time is of the essence

Time ticks by faster and faster as I get closer and closer to the June 1 move out date. My weekends and evenings are quickly filling with final hang outs, weekends away with dear friends, packing etc. I've come to the realization that it may cost me a great deal more than I've hoped to move all of my stuff to Colorado.

Jesus continues to tell me that we're going to make it, that he knows the way and that he loves me. That is the only thing that helps me to sleep at night.

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

The Campaign

C'mon do it.

Monday, April 04, 2005

I'm back

The trip was a success. We had excellent weather, too.

I saw the Culinary School, navigated around the city, checked out some apartments, talked to some locals, had dinner and a great beer with Sean and Julie Oldroyd, got reacquainted with Kenna (the Oldroyd dog) and all in all had a fine time in the great city of Denver.
I came back with a new excitement and confidence about the move. It all seems like a good deal. I'm certainly less scared but maybe a little sad now because I know that my time here in Los Angeles is truly coming to a close.

I guess that is what taking Giant Steps is about, eh?